June 20
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U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stated that he has support of more than 1,000 delegates and, thus, will win the primaries (primary elections in which a presidential candidate is chosen from a party), he wrote on his Twitter after the campaign in Indiana.

Trump has collected 41% of votes in Indiana, while his opponents Ted Cruz — 32%, and John Kasich  — 21%, RIA Novosti reported.

The official site of the electoral center where the report of pre-election race is published says 954 delegates have supported Trump so far. At the same time it is noted that the figures will be updated within 24 hours, the time necessary for calculation of all voices for the publication of exact data.

Earlier, Trump said that both his opponents have no chances of a victory and they have to leave presidential race.  In response Cruz and Kasich have agreed to cooperate against Trump. Their headquarters issued a statement which says that in the remaining primaries, they will cede the states, in which they have the greatest chance of a victory.

The current season of primaries hasn't ended yet — there is a vote in a number of states, including California with the population of 40 million people. For a general victory at party congress the republican nominee needs to get support of 1,237 delegates from 2,472 participants of the party’s congress. 

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