June 20
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The North Korea banned weddings and funerals on the eve of the ruling Workers' Party’s convention for security purposes, reported RIA Novosti with a reference to Yonhap . The convention will open on May 6. It is the first convention held in 36 years.

According to the party’s charter, the convention sums up the work of the Central Committee and the Central Examining Commission , accepts, make changes and additions to the program and rules, discusses and makes decisions on major issues of the party, its policies, strategies and tactics, appoints the secretary of the party, and elects the Central Committee and Central Examining Commission.

Yonhap says that the Korean People's Democratic Republic set up vigilance for a specific term, restricted entry to Pyongyang, the capital city,  and increase vigilanced along the border area with China . In order to avoid crowds , the government instructed citizens the citizens to refrain from holding mass events , even such as weddings and funerals , reports Yonhap .

According to the new agency, the upcoming convention claims to strengthen the power of the country's leader Kim Jong-un. The current leader inherited his authority after the death of his father Kim Jong-il in 2011, who was the son and a successor of the first head of the DPRK Kim Il Sung .

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