June 20
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It took Armenian micro-sculptor Eduard Ghazaryan three months to prepare a one-millimeter portrait of Pope Francis. 

And Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II presented this micro-portrait to the Pope, during his recent three-day visit to Armenia.

The portrait was so small that the Pontiff could see it only through a magnifying glass.


Learning, in February, that the Bishop of Rome will be visiting Armenia, the 38-year-old micro-sculptor had decided to prepare a gift for him. And he got to work with the consent of the Catholicos of All Armenians.

Ghazaryan has made numerous micro-sculptures, but his most impressive works were the micro-portraits of Pope Francis, and world-renowned French Armenian singer, songwriter, actor, public activist, and diplomat Charles Aznavour (born Shahnour Vaghinag Aznavourian). 

He has also decided to sculpt the micro-portraits of all the great Armenians in history.

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