June 20
Show news feed

YEREVAN. - The people of the Nagorno-Karabakh have as many rights to solve their issue via a referendum as any European nation.

Vice President of the Armenian National Assembly (NA) Eduard Sharmazanov told the aforementioned to journalists after the Supreme Body session of the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA), recalling the British and Scottish referenda.

According to him, the RPA Supreme Body session addressed inter-political, foreign policy and inter-party issues. Reference was also made to the Karabakh conflict settlement.

“I must once again reconfirm that Armenia has a specific stance; the issue should be resolved exclusively through peaceful means, there being no alternative to the full exercise of the Artsakh people’s right to self-determination,” he said.

“Nagorno-Karabakh can under no status be part of Azerbaijan. The Azeris like speaking about Nakhchivan. The latter is a good example why Artsakh cannot be part of Azerbaijan: This used to be an area settled by the Armenians, but no Armenians live there [now] as a result of the Azerbaijani rule. The Azeris cannot even be tolerant to material and cultural heritage, let alone people,” he said.

According to Sharmazanov, the meeting between the presidents is possible, considering that there are still five months left before the end of the year.


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