June 20
Show news feed

The Chinese spouses Song Qinglin and  Song Lishi made the first wedding photoshoot after 80 years of marriage.

A102-year-old husband and 99-year-old wife live in eastern China's Anhui Province. They have six children, five grandsons and four great-grandsons, The Daily Mail reported.

According to the couple, their wedding ceremony in 1936 was rather poor, there were only three plates with food.

Therefore, the couple made festive pictures on 23 July to celebrate the 80th anniversary of their wedding.  Dozens of volunteers helped them.

 “To tell you the truth, I did not see that they are 100, they are old but I still really wish them health and longevity”, said one of the users of the social networks.

 “The two of them are so cute!” commented another person.

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