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Republicans’ victory in the U.S. mid-term elections increased the chances for adoption of the Armenian Genocide Resolution, Richard Giragosian, Director of Armenian Center for National and International Studies, said during discussions in Yerevan.

According to him, there are two reasons that can indirectly contribute to adoption of the Genocide Resolution – tension in the U.S.-Turkish relations and chill in Israeli-Turkish relations.

“Republicans elected to the Congress will try to punish Ankara for its non-constructive stance on relations with Yerevan and Washington as well,” Giragosian said. He considers that Israeli lobby will also step up efforts to punish Turkey for tensed relations with Tel-Aviv with help of Genocide Resolution.

“Besides, Turkey will have to pass another examination in the near future – make choice between NATO and Iran. It will be a very difficult choice as Turkey is an old member of the alliance, whereas Iran is its second trade partner. Nevertheless, Turkey will meet NATO’s demand and deploy anti-missile system directed against Iran in its territory. However, it will further deteriorate Ankara’s relations with Tehran, on the other hand Turkey will remain an unreliable partner in the eyes of NATO, as it is constantly putting forward demands,” the expert stated.

Taking into account present situation, Giragosyan noted that Genocide Resolution will be considered in the Congress long before April as it was planned. “Most likely it will be considered by today’s Congress in November or in January by the newly elected Congressmen. In both cases, it is in Armenians’ interest,” he stressed, adding that Ankara will not manage to get ready for early debates on Resolution, particularly in the context of forthcoming elections in the country.

Richard Giragosian stated that after elections positions of the Armenian lobby will be strengthened. “Today’s Armenian lobby is the strongest ever, over 90% of Armenian-endorsed candidates were elected to Congress. Meanwhile, positions of the Turkish and Azerbaijani lobby have been weakened. Turkish lobby lost Israel’s support, while Azerbaijani is not backed by Republicans who were involved in “energy lobby”. The point is the overwhelming majority of the elected Republicans are not interested in energy lobby,” he concluded.  

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