June 20
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YEREVAN. – All processes targeted at prevention of violence in Armenia have to be transparent, head of EU delegation to Armenia Piotr Switalski told reporters on Friday.

“We believe that all disputes and complaints should be settled in courts, and should be settled peacefully. For the European Union the question of preventing violence is very important. We believe that the primary responsibility for preventing violence lies with the law enforcement authorities.  All these procedures should be very transparent. If there is suspicion that something wrong is happening, we believe that the law enforcement authorities have to act in full transparency, so that the voters had the confidence that it is done not for political purposes, not done to intimidate others, that it is done within the rule of law,” Ambassador said.

In the past weeks we realized that Armenians have a very deep sense of justice, they can judge whether this type of behavior or an action by the judicial system is fulfilling requirements of justice, the diplomat emphasized.

“But the primary thing is to avoid violence, to prevent violence and intimidation,” he added.

Former Defense Minister of Nagorno-Karabakh Samvel Babayan was detained within the criminal case connected with smuggling of Igla missile system into Armenia.

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