July 27
Show news feed

US President Donald Trump on Tuesday made a televised address to the nation, and which was devoted to the current partial government shutdown, and he stated that there was a crisis on the country’s border with Mexico. In his words, this is about both a security and a humanitarian crisis.

The US president noted that thousands of people can get killed due to migration-related crime, in whose target is both migrants and Americans. 

Trump expressed the hope that the current partial government shutdown in the US will end owing to the results of his Wednesday’s meeting to be held with Congress leaders.

The US president added that he stands ready to make concessions to the Democrats, and therefore he no longer insists that a concrete wall be built along the Mexican border and he agrees to have a steel barrier, instead. 

Also, Donald Trump expressed the confidence that the cost of this barrier will be compensated without delay, and including thanks to a beneficial trade agreement with Mexico.

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