June 20
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The Trump administration wants to reduce the amount of US foreign assistance. But Brock Bierman, Assistant Administrator for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Bureau for Europe and Eurasia, says there is no final decision on this matter yet, the Voice of America Armenian Service reported.

The aforesaid reduction may also affect the US assistance to Armenia. But the senior US official stressed that the United States attaches importance to its partnership with Armenia. To note, the US assistance to Armenia has more than doubled since 2015.

Bierman noted that they acknowledge the importance of their partnership with Armenia and will successfully continue it by supporting Armenia’s priorities.

Recently, however, the US administration has announced a halt to funding for the demining program in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). Brock Bierman said he is pleased with the results of this program, which has been implemented for about 18 years, emphasizing that according to the latest reports, this demining was conducted by 97.9 percent.

American Armenian organizations and HALO Trust—which carries out this demining program in Artsakh—have urged the US administration to continue funding this program, citing a letter signed by 89 US Congressmen and 22 senators to the USAID director calling for reviewing the decision to terminate this program in Artsakh.

HALO Trust has expressed the hope that the US administration will reconsider its decision. The organization reports that it has launched a study on the demining needs of Artsakh, and which will determine the means and timeframes required to complete this demining program.

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