June 20
Show news feed

US Democratic Party presidential candidate Bernie Sanders underwent emergency surgery after suffering a heart attack, his campaign has confirmed, BBC News reported.

The senator was taken to hospital on Tuesday after complaining of chest pain at a campaign event in the US state of Nevada.

Doctors operated on Sanders, 78, to remove a blockage in one of his arteries.

Sanders said he was feeling “great” after leaving hospital on Friday.

Earlier it became known that Bernie Sanders had expressed his continued support for the reaffirmation of the recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

In a roundtable discussion with leading ethnic media  outlets in Los Angeles, the presidential candidate Senator had vowed to address this matter as such during the annual presidential address on April 24, unlike previous US presidents who have failed to uphold their promise, Massis Post had reported.

Specifically, when asked as President “will you stand up to the Turkish government and officially use the word genocide at the annual Presidential Armenian Genocide commemoration message to the nation?” The Senator simply stated “Yes, I think the debate (on the Genocide) is now over.”




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