July 27
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Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan today chaired a subsequent consultation during which the anti-epidemic measures for neutralizing the consequences of the coronavirus were considered, as reported by the Department of Information and Public Relations of the Government of Armenia.

The Prime Minister and government officials continued to consider the scope of beneficiaries for social support, the mechanisms for providing support and several related issues. They presented the new measures developed as a result of the joint activities of government agencies that are offered for those who became unemployed as a result of the coronavirus and for registered employees who are in forced idleness. The support will be provided as a lump-sum benefit and derives from the logic of the government’s actions targeted at social aid and aimed at mitigating the economic downfall.

Nikol Pashinyan stated that the government is also working on solving problems in the healthcare, social and economic sectors, adding that the lump-sum payment support is aimed at encouraging workers and must be provided as soon as possible. The Prime Minister assigned to work under an extraordinary regime and finalize the packages of the considered measures in a short period of time for the government’s approval.

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