July 27
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Russia supports demarcation and delimitation of borders and decline of escalation in the region, and Armenia’s recognition of Artsakh as a part of Azerbaijan isn’t in Moscow’s favor because, in this case, Baku will immediately raise the issue of withdrawal of Russian peacekeepers from Artsakh. This is what analyst Argishti Kiviryan said during Armenian’s TALK TIME show.

Kiviryan recalled that Russia has declared that the issue of status [of Nagorno-Karabakh] has yet to be discussed and that it would be better to discuss it later in order to avoid growth of escalation.

“Discussion on the issue of status also doesn’t favor the Armenian side in this stage since nobody will take into consideration Armenia’s interests now. Armenia’s voice will be more significant, if it has a combat-ready army,” the analyst added.

As Kiviryan noted, there are no rehabilitative processes. “The authorities aren’t taking any action to restore the army and eliminate the consequences of the war. They weren’t even able to build one alternative road, but the Azerbaijanis have already set up police stations on the Goris-Kapan motorway and are charging Iranian truck drivers. Later, the Azerbaijanis will charge Armenian drivers or might even close down the whole motorway. Armenia was supposed to empower the army in one year.

The most serious crime that the authorities committed during the war was that they led the army to destruction as a military-political unit. The Azerbaijanis are behaving obscenely because they realize that their adversary doesn’t have an army,” Kiviryan said, adding that Armenia has given the ‘keys’ to Russia to guarantee the security of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). “As far as the era of peace is concerned, the winner can open the era, not the defeated side. Azerbaijan could have done this, but it was also misled and is now under Turkey’s full control. In these conditions, neither Armenia nor Azerbaijan can solve the issue of peace,” he concluded.

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