June 20
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Speaking in response to a phone call from the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan on Wednesday evening, Iranian President Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi described the ongoing consultations as a sign of the importance and depth of friendly relations between the two countries and said, "Iran considers Armenia a friendly country and attaches great importance to neighborly relations with Armenia,” informed the press service of the President of Iran.

The President described one of Iran's main policies as supporting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all countries and added, "Preserving the geopolitics of the region, including international borders and respecting the national sovereignty of countries is emphasized by the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

Expressing Iran’s support for the development of bilateral and multilateral cooperation in energy and transportation, Raisi noted, "This cooperation will strengthen peace, stability, and economic and trade prosperity in the region."

Raisi further stated that Iran supports the progress in the peace talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and said, "We hope that the remaining issues in this field are resolved peacefully and with respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the two countries, in accordance with the principles of international law and also paying attention to the rights and security of all the people of the Caucasus region.” The President emphasized, "The Islamic Republic of Iran is deeply committed to the fact that the issues of the region must be resolved with the consensus and cooperation of all countries in the region and on the basis of common interests and mutual respect.”

Raisi pointed out, "The Zionist Regime [i.e., Israel] is by no means a friend of the nations of the region and the oppression that this regime has inflicted on the Palestinian people is unprecedented in history. The activities of the Zionist Regime must be faced with sensitivity and caution in order to prevent its influence in the region.”

In this telephone conversation, Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan reported on the implemented agreements, and appreciated the principled positions of Iran in the developments in the region, and emphasized on maintaining the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all countries. He also described Iran’s role in the region important and effective.

Expressing his country's interest in developing economic, trade, political and cultural interactions and cooperation with Iran, the Prime Minister of Armenia said, "The continuous holding of a joint commission on economic cooperation between the two countries will definitely facilitate and accelerate the expanding process of relations between the two countries."

Explaining the process of negotiations and consultations between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Pashinyan welcomed the holding of the 3+3 countries summit in Tehran as soon as possible.

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