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There are signs that Turkey intends to continue the earlier programs, Turkologist Tiran Lokmagyozyan told

The expert reckons that Erdogan will not change his foreign policy course "He only highlighted the role of Azerbaijan and recalled Nagorno Karabakh," the expert reminded.

Turkish President Erdogan expressed special gratitude to Aliyev for the help to Turkey, although about a hundred countries around the world, including Armenia, responded to the earthquake.

In this case, Erdogan, against the background of the tragedy in his country, for some reason, decided to recall the joint with Azerbaijan aggression against the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh. "Just as in Karabakh Turkey was together with Azerbaijan, so now Azerbaijan does not leave Turkey alone in a difficult situation. Our motto: one nation, two states," the Turkish president said.

"Yes, Turkey has suffered damage, but it is only wounded. The country has resources and is capable of getting out of the crisis. True, it will take some time," noted Lokmagyozyan.

As for the chances at the elections, the Turkish President has already announced about the construction of new houses to maintain the rating.

This initiative, the expert believes, brings Erdogan personally also financial benefits, given that we are talking about several thousand buildings.

"Naturally, part of the state revenues, which should have gone to the agitation campaign, will go to solve the problems in the disaster zone. But Erdogan's main resource of power is fear. If necessary he will use it to make people think that it's better to let him be elected than for their children to die," stressed the Turkologist.

Aram Danielyan

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