June 20
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We are not “playing football,” we are talking about the security of Armenia. Sargis Khandanyan, Chair of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations of the National Assembly (NA) of Armenia and an MP of the ruling majority "Civil Contract" Faction of the NA, told this to reporters on Tuesday.

He added that comprehensive approaches are needed, there is no issue of “passing the ball” to each other, repeating that the CSTO should react to Azerbaijan’s military aggression against Armenia, which collaborates with all partners, including European and Russian ones.

The lawmaker said the security of Armenia was a priority.

"We are not interested in Armenia becoming a stage of clashes in the conditions of geopolitical tension," he emphasized.

In early April, the official representative of the Russian foreign ministry, Maria Zakharova, speaking about the possibility of deploying CSTO observers in Armenia, had said: "The ball is on Yerevan's court."

Khandanyan noted that there is always a possibility of military escalation by Azerbaijan, assuring that the Armenian authorities are doing everything to make these risks manageable, including collaborating with international partners.

According to him, Azerbaijan strives to maintain tension by intensifying its destructive approach over time, which is also demonstrated by its actions at the Lachin corridor.

"The only way to solve the problem is to increase diplomatic pressure. The issue of the Lachin corridor has already been discussed and specified by the [trilateral] statement of November 9, 2020; and Armenia is not going to negotiate new mechanisms related to the Lachin corridor. From the point of view of the international reaction, we have achieved a good result, the international community is united and has recorded the issue. Now our task is to materialize this reaction. There are corresponding mechanisms, all opportunities should be used," the Armenian parliamentarian said.

He reminded that the European Union made a proposal to Azerbaijan to deploy a civilian mission on its territory, but Baku rejected it.

"The mission in Armenia reports the monitoring results to Brussels. And the concern expressed in the reports should also be conveyed to Azerbaijan," Khandanyan believes.

Regarding the situation in the Kornidzor-Tegh section, he stated that everything should be done so that the territorial integrity of Armenia is not violated there.

And to the question whether this is border delimitation, the Armenian MP answered negatively, calling this incident a "clarification” of positions.

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