June 20
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If Armenia makes a de jure decision to withdraw from the CSTO, it will happen when Yerevan records that the organization has left Armenia. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan of Armenia stated this during his press conference Monday.

He explained that in that case, the de jure status of CSTO membership will only prevent Armenia from discussing security issues with other countries.

Pashinyan explained that the departure of CSTO from Armenia will mean non-fulfillment of the obligations assumed by this organization.

"The issue is not removed from the agenda. As long as there is something to discuss, the issue will be discussed. Do you think that Armenia had no opportunity to buy weapons or military equipment from other countries? It had. Those opportunities were closed, and this was explained by Armenia's membership in the CSTO," the Armenian PM noted.

He informed that the matter of Armenia's participation in CSTO military exercises to be held in Kyrgyzstan was being discussed, and the format of possible participation will also be discussed additionally.

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