June 20
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The criminal proceedings against the former commander of the Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) Defense Army, Jalal Harutyunyan, have been temporarily suspended. Gor Abrahamyan, press secretary of the Investigative Committee of Armenia, told Armenian about this.

"The launched public criminal prosecution has been suspended, as a commission military-scientific examination has been appointed. The obtained results will have a significant role in terms of giving legal assessments," Abrahamyan noted.

The decision to suspend the aforesaid prosecution was made by the prosecutor at the request of the investigator conducting the proceedings.

The Investigative Committee of Armenia has charged Jalal Harutyunyan under the Criminal Code article on official military negligence which was committed during martial law, war or battle, or which has caused the death of a person through negligence.

The aforesaid article provides for imprisonment for five to ten years.

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