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Until the 44-day war [in 2020], the topic of army modernization was in the center of our attention; not because I considered the war inevitable, but because increasing the combat readiness of the army could considerably improve Armenia's negotiating positions. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated this at Monday’s meeting of the National Assembly Inquiry Committee for Studying the Circumstances of the Hostilities Unleashed on September 27, 2020\.

"From 2018 to the start of the 44-day war in 2020—that is, in two years and four months—, the government of Armenia spent around 608 billion drams for the acquisition of weapons and military equipment. For comparison, let me say that from January 1, 2008 to May 2018—that is, in ten years and four months—, the previous governments of Armenia spent 354 billion drams for this purpose; that is, in two years ,we have achieved almost twice the achievements of ten years," said the Armenian premier.

According to Pashinyan, no one can say that nothing was done in the Armenian army after he assumed the post of prime minister in 2018 because the government said there was no money. Pashinyan considered the acquisition of the SU-30s fighter jets from Russia as the biggest proof.

"I said: whatever the army needs, we will provide it, and it is not your problem how," he said.

The aforesaid meeting of the parliamentary inquiry committee for studying the circumstances of the 44-day war in 2020 will continue on June 27. PM Pashinyan will answer the questions of the committee members that day.

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