June 20
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The Central Bank of Armenia (CBA), together with ArCa, hosted the two-day Mastercard Academy workshop for specialists in payment accounting of financial institutions, the main topic of which was the fight against cybersecurity and fraud in payment cards.

The purpose of the event was to acquaint the participants of the payment market of Armenia with the latest security requirements and the constantly developing trends of card operations.

Mastercard representative Evgeniy Balezin moderated the workshop, and he raised important questions about the widespread risks in the region.

Mastercard discussed with the workshop participants the trends in card fraud at the country, regional and global levels, as well as the most common and actual scams and examples of "social engineering," the risks of various types of card operations, including e-wallet operations, money transfers, examples of cyberattacks, and refund functions.

Also, the main approaches and requirements for working with service providers and commercial platforms were presented, and the principles of operation of basic compliance programs were described.

In addition, Mastercard's antifraud and risk prevention solutions were presented, followed by a discussion.

Two days were devoted to a detailed description of the full cycle of the appealed transaction process, the basics of authorization and fraud prevention technologies; various types of disputed transactions were discussed.

During the workshop, Mastercard representative Evgeniy Balezin emphasized the importance of joint cooperation and risk reduction in the payment ecosystem.

According to him, "Mastercard's mission is to promote a secure and reliable payment environment. Our cooperation with the Central Bank of Armenia and local stakeholders plays an important role in achieving this goal."

The CBA also expressed its gratitude to Mastercard, and stressed the importance of such initiatives for the payment market of Armenia.

During the workshop, Nino Tulashvili, Kuntay Simbatova, and Elena Khasanova also shared their experience with the participants. The event played an important role in creating a strong network of professionals dedicated to payment security and consumer protection.

As an industry leader, Mastercard remains committed to innovation, advancing security standards, and strengthening the payment ecosystem. The company's ongoing collaboration with regulators, financial institutions, and industry stakeholders demonstrates its commitment to providing customers with a secure and seamless payment experience.

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