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The CSTO is ready to return to the discussion of the development of an monitoring mission on the border of Armenia and Azerbaijan, the organization is waiting for Yerevan's response, Mikael Aghasandyan, director of the first department of the CIS countries of the Russian Foreign Ministry, said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

"The states forming the CSTO have never abandoned their efforts to stabilize the situation in the region and have confirmed many times that they are ready for concrete decisions that would allow us to use the wide possibilities of the organization with maximum benefits for our Armenian friends. As before, we are waiting for Yerevan's positive response and we are ready to resume the substantive work in the direction of the proposal to expand the CSTO monitoring mission in the border regions of Armenia, as well as other joint measures to help our ally," he said.

The diplomat emphasized that Moscow is convinced that "the adoption of relevant decisions will have a positive impact on the regional situation". "I will emphasize once again: we are ready for such constructive work," he added.

At the same time, Mikael Aghasandyan expressed hope that they understand in Yerevan that Western countries are trying to exert political and economic pressure on Russia's close allies, including Armenia, in order to "cause maximum damage to Russia and its positions in the South Caucasus".

"To achieve this goal, they are trying to disrupt the existing regional security mechanisms, including those that rely on CSTO capabilities. We hope that in Yerevan they understand it well," explained the diplomat.

He noted that the CSTO, like any other international organization, "is not a magic wand" that can be used to solve any problem.

"The Karabakh conflict is one of the most complicated, it has deep historical roots. The only way to a stable settlement passes through a consistent settlement of Armenian-Azerbaijani relations, based on the parties' negotiations, mutual respect, their willingness to compromise, to make responsible decisions and to carry them out. In this context, I cannot but mention the important mediating role played by Russia and President Vladimir Putin personally in this difficult process," said Mikael Aghasandyan.

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