June 20
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The European Parliament is a political body, and it will be consistent in ensuring the implementation of the three principles. This was stated by the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, during a joint news conference Tuesday with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in Strasbourg, France.

She responded to a reporter’s remark that the EU has adopted a resolution and a report to impose sanctions on Azerbaijan, and the question whether the European Parliament is going to take active steps in that regard.

It is no coincidence that this parliament accepted such reports and called for the peace talks to resume as soon as possible, the head of the European Parliament emphasized.

Also, Metsola said that they welcome the fact of the meeting agreed by Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan and Azerbaijani president Aliyev and to be held at the end of October with the participation of European Council President Charles Michel.

Peace talks are important in terms of Armenia’s border delimitation with Azerbaijan, opening of regional communication channels, and solving humanitarian problems; the events of the last month are very worrying, and that is why they call for peace and humanitarian protection, Roberta Metsola stated.

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