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The Russian peacekeeping contingent continues to carry out tasks in the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, the contingent stated in its latest information bulletin.

"Continued cooperation with Baku is maintained, aimed at preventing bloodshed, ensuring safety for the civilian population, and maintaining humanitarian law.

"No violations of the ceasefire regime were recorded in the zone of responsibility of the Russian peacekeeping contingent.

"In general, from September 19, 2023, 8 observation posts and 16 temporary observation posts of Russian peacekeepers have been closed along the former contact line of the Askeran, Mardakert, Martuni, and Shusha [(Shushi)] regions.

"In order to ensure traffic safety, 13 checkpoints—including eight, jointly with the Azerbaijani side—have been established along the roads.

"With the participation of Russian peacekeepers, the work on the restoration of electricity and [natural] gas supply to the inhabited regions of Nagorno-Karabakh continues," adds the aforesaid information bulletin.

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