June 20
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Samvel Babayan, Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) Defense Army former commander and former Security Council secretary Samvel Babayan, has been summoned to the Inquiry Committee for Studying the Circumstances of the Hostilities Unleashed on September 27, 2020 of the National Assembly of Armenia. Kristine Poghosyan, a member of the aforesaid committee, informed about this to the RFE/RL Armenian Service.

The committee meeting with the participation of Babayan is scheduled for Wednesday.

Last Friday, the chairman of this committee, Andranik Kocharyan, said that Babayan had expressed his wish to be questioned by this committee.

After the setting up of this committee, Samvel Babayan was to participate, as an independent consultant, in its activities.

At the initial phase, Babayan had agreed to this. But after a short time, he had declined, without specifying clear reasons, to participate in the work of this committee. He only had said: "There are rules of the game. If you don't follow the rules of the game, it doesn't work. If they have someone's name to shame, they don't have me."

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