June 20
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Recent events show that, at least in the near term, it is impossible for Armenians to return to Stepanakert, Shushi, Baku, or those settlements that were historically Armenian. Alen Simonyan, speaker of the National Assembly (NA) of Armenia, told this to reporters at the NA Tuesday.

"Are we talking about peace just for the sake of talking about peace? Or are we really mentally ready to go for peace? That peace should be built today, excluding hate speech, subjecting people to ethnic divisions, not to mention ethnic cleansing," said Simonyan.

Speaking about the activities of Russian peacekeepers in Nagorno-Karabakh, he said that they recently announced that everything is normal, there was no shooting, no provocation.

"If they were going to return, they wouldn't let people flee from that area in one day; that talk should be stopped," said the speaker of the Armenian legislature.

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