July 27
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Hamas believes that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken gave Israel a "green light" to resume military operations in Gaza. Khalil al-Hayya, a member of the Politburo of this movement, made such a statement in an interview to Al Jazeera television.

"Every time before a new act of aggression, we always see how the US Secretary of State gives Israel the ‘green light’ to continue its crimes, providing it with assistance and all means of political protection," al- Hayya noted.

Earlier, Israeli Kan television and radio reported that Blinken ended his visit to Israel and left for the United Arab Emirates "minutes" after the resumption of hostilities in Gaza, following the collapse of the ceasefire by Hamas.

"The issue of exchange of hostages and prisoners cannot be solved during military operations; aggression must be stopped first, and then the prisoners must be exchanged. We cannot negotiate the release of the adversary's captured soldiers in the heat of its action, which is why we initially agreed to release civilians as well as women and children. The conversation about releasing the soldiers in our captivity should be carried out only under the condition of a complete ceasefire," stressed the member of the Hamas Politburo.

"We have informed the mediators that we are ready to negotiate the release of civilians with us in order to achieve a full ceasefire," Khalil al-Hayya added.

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