July 27
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The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) has clearly defined the cooperation strategy of its member countries until 2045, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Aleksandr Pankin told TASS.

"In my opinion, it is much more important not with what feeling we evaluate the EAEU development from the top of the decade, but with what feeling we look at the future, the next decade. An obvious proof of this is, for example, the signing of the Eurasian Economic Path declaration on further development of economic processes within the EAEU until 2030 and for the period until 2045 by the leaders of the ‘five,’" said Pankin, answering the question of how to evaluate the past decade after the signing of the EAEU agreement.

"That strategic document has clearly determined the future cooperation of the member countries of the Union in the most important directions," the Russian diplomat noted, emphasizing that the implementation of the proposed tasks will benefit the economy, contribute to the increase of the population's well-being, and the creation of the best conditions for the business community in EAEU countries.

Pankin especially noted the importance of work to face challenges.

"Behind the success of our Union is the daily and hard work in various domains, be it joint efforts to fight against COVID-19, ensuring food security, or another issue. It cannot but cause a feeling of pride and gratitude in terms of the effective cooperation of the ‘five,’" added the deputy FM of Russia.

The Eurasian Economic Union is an international organization of economic integration comprising Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. Cuba, Moldova, and Uzbekistan have observer status in this union.

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