June 20
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Of course, human dimensions are equal in all cases. But from the point of view of international law, Nagorno-Karabakh is located in the territory of Azerbaijan and is in no way comparable to the aggressive war that Russia has unleashed on the sovereign territory of Ukraine. Elisabeth Winkelmeier-Becker, Chairwoman of the Committee on Legal Affairs of the German Bundestag, the parliament, stated this during a press conference at the German embassy in Armenia on Tuesday—and answering a reporter's question as to whether Germany is taking the initiative to petition to the International Criminal Court in order to start investigating the case of forced deportation of Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians by Azerbaijan.

"This is a foreign policy issue, and I am not authorized to answer. In the case of the Ukrainians, they are in Germany as refugees, and we are helping them to clarify the evidence base and assist with tools for possible trials. Ukraine is one of our neighboring countries, and [therefore] there are broader opportunities to provide direct assistance," added the German legislator.

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