July 27
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Today, the Armenian foreign ministry sent a letter of protest to the Russian colleagues for the violation of the provisions of the article of the current interstate agreement between Armenia and Russia in telecommunications. Mkhitar Hayrapetyan, Minister of High-Tech Industry of Armenia, announced this during Wednesday’s question-and-answer session in parliament with the government.

Majority faction MP Armen Khachatryan had asked what measures the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of Armenia was taking to exclude insulting expressions against Armenia on Russian television.

"Consultations were held in Yerevan, the recorded violations were transferred to the Russian colleagues. However, such violations are repeated only in those two months, which talks about [the fact] that the working interstate agreement between Armenia and Russia needs to be revised or edited. On February 26, we received a letter from the Commission on Television and Radio [of Armenia], where these violations were recorded. On February 27, consultations were held at the Ministry of High-Tech Industry, as a result of which it was recorded that these violations really took place, in particular, several provisions of Article 5 were violated. Today, the Armenian foreign ministry sent a letter of protest to the Russian colleagues," Mkhitar Hayrapetyan noted.

According to him, however, this matter should not be brought into the political arena. "It is pointless to look for political contexts here," he said.

The minister said that he had sent a letter to his Russian counterpart on his behalf, offering to hold immediate consultations. "We are ready to participate in that substantive discussion, first present the violations and record the following that if we leave the assumption that Armenia and the Russia adhere to that agreement but still the violations continue, and then a legitimate question arises to address those provisions of the document. Is there no need to revise the principles recorded in that document and their observance? Our position is that there is because we really believe that the parties should be interested in order to preserve those principles. On the one hand, we understand that Armenia cannot be tolerant of programs with such content that can call into question the dignity of our state and people," said the high-tech minister of Armenia.

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