June 20
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We must help our army so that after this temporary defeat we can stand up again, strengthen the borders of our country, and be able to solve our security issues ourselves. Gagik Melkonyan, an MP of the ruling majority Civil Contract Faction of the National Assembly and former Deputy Minister of Defense of Armenia, told this to reporters Tuesday at Yerablur Military Pantheon in Yerevan.

"Now we [i.e. Armenia] need to have good weapons. As you can see, we already have [respective] contracts with various countries, we are acquiring weapons. We have to rely on ourselves, we ourselves have to think about our security because we became convinced that all this time the CSTO did not help us with anything aside from causing damage, it did not do anything," said Melkonyan, noting that the rest of Armenia’s allies also did not help with anything.

The ruling power lawmaker noted that no one even made a political statement when the Azerbaijani troops were in Armenia's sovereign territory.

"Now we must pin our hope on ourselves," added Gagik Melkonyan.

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