June 20
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Moscow has heard Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s statements about the possibility of Armenia leaving the CSTO, Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov stated, RIA Novosti reports.

"Of course, we [i.e. Russia] have heard these statements. Obviously, of course, there is a lot of work to be done now. We need contacts both within the CSTO and bilaterally with our Armenian colleagues. We will clarify and speak in accordance with the statements of Mr. Prime Minister," Peskov told reporters.

The question of how the CSTO views Pashinyan's such statements was redirected by Peskov to the CSTO, and he added that the Kremlin cannot speak on behalf of this organization.

"Of course, there is some work to be done within the framework of the CSTO," concluded the Kremlin spokesperson.

PM Nikol Pashinyan had announced that Armenia will withdraw from the CSTO if the latter does not respond to Yerevan’s questions regarding the sovereign territory of Armenia.

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