July 27
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Today there is a lot of mistrust towards the authorities. Don't you think that there should be new elections before this process? If you are elected, we will do it in the way you think because the last time the elections were held with different pledges. A local resident asked this during a meeting with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in Berkaber village of Tavush Province.

In response, Pashinyan said: "I don't think that's the way it should be because what we are doing now is our response to global geopolitical changes. We can hold an election next month, after that a war has started between Ukraine and Russia, tomorrow a war can start somewhere else, which will have an impact on our situation. That is, every week the task of the authorities is to adapt its own country and people to that changing situation that we have. That is the condition of living and developing. And there is no point in our pre-election program that we have not pursued to the end and honestly.

Today, they say: ‘You said Artsakh's [(Nagorno-Karabakh)] right to self-determination; you said ‘secession for the sake of salvation.’ We went after them.

I said in Kirants [village] that if what we have thought about can be achieved, we get something very big, we will gain sovereignty and independence."

Pashinyan reminded that the next parliamentary elections in Armenia will be held in 2026. "(…). If you decide to change the government, you will. (…). I know what I'm doing this for. I am doing this so that Armenia eventually becomes an independent state, not an outpost, but an independent state," Pashinyan stated, in particular.

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