July 27
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Today there has already been a significant change in the perception of Armenia with its sovereignty at the international level. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said today, 20 April, in a conversation with journalists in Stepanavan, commenting on the agreement reached yesterday between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

"If you noticed, yesterday the G7 countries made a statement in which they essentially supported the principle that we are now trying to implement," he said.

Referring to the fact that there are also Russian posts in Tavush, the Armenian Prime Minister said:  "Russian posts appeared there due to the situation. What is happening now is a significant change in the situation and it should have an impact in all directions. It means that we don't have a front line, we have a border. The border is a sign of peace, and this will mean that the border guards of Armenia and Azerbaijan will be able to protect the border independently, cooperating with each other," he said.

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