July 27
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The Krasnodar Chapter of the Union of Armenians of Russia has placed billboards in the streets of the city to commemorate the victims of Armenian Genocide, the most tragic element of Armenian history.

These billboards serve as a reminder that 109 years ago, more than one and a half million Armenians perished between 1915 and 1923. On April 24, 1915 hundreds Armenian Intellectuals—poets, musicians, publicists, editors, lawyers, doctors, and MPs—were arrested in Constantinople under warrants issued by the Turkish authorities.

The first international reaction to this violence resulted in a joint statement by France, Russia, and the United Kingdom, in May 1915, where the Turkish atrocities directed against the Armenian people was defined as “new crime against humanity and civilization,” agreeing that the Turkish government must be punished for committing such crimes.

In 1995, Russia’s State Duma adopted a decision to recognize the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire.

The ancestors of most of the representatives of the Armenian community of the Krasnodar Territory were saved and settled on the Russian land. Today, they are full citizens of Russia who make a worthy contribution to the development and prosperity of the country.

On the occasion of the 109th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, commemorative events will be also organized in Krasnodar on Wednesday, April 24 at two Armenian churches in the city.

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