July 27
Show news feed

Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan, leader of the Tavush for the Homeland movement and Primate of the Diocese of Tavush of the Armenian Apostolic Church, and his supporters are gathering near the Opera House building in Yerevan, where a protest demonstration is planned.

There is a large number of police forces in the areas surrounding the Opera House.

The sidewalks of the streets around the opera building are closed off with metal barriers.

Freedom Square is also surrounded by barricades, where tents and tables are placed within the framework of the expected event.

People are forced to bypass these barriers.

Archbishop Galstanyan on Tuesday had called to be at the Opera House square at Wednesday 4pm, where an event—in which Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan will participate—will be held at 5pm, within the framework of the international forum of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

On May 4, the Tavush for the Homeland movement, led by Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan, had started a march from Kirants border village of Tavush Province to Yerevan, and this march reached the Armenian capital on May 9. Those who have joined this movement are against the incumbent Armenian authorities’ policy of unilateral concessions to Azerbaijan.

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