June 20
Show news feed

YEREVAN. – During Armenia’s current pre-election season, when representatives of the country’s show business as well as some men and women of the arts and letters dream of having their place in the National Assembly (NA), Aravot daily asked musical conductor Eduard Topchian how he perceived this “phenomenon.”    

‘“Even though acknowledging that this is everyone’s right, I find that, NA should not appeal to a high-level musician, a true artist, for example,’ the conductor said. Reminding that on a variety of occasions he has expressed positively about singer Shushan Petrosyan [who is running for a parliamentary seat], who will most likely enter the NA, we asked [Topchian] to speak specifically in this regard.

‘I love, respect, and appreciate Shushan as a singer. She is a smart woman. I, too, am interested in her programs; and I will speak [with her] on this topic during [our] next meeting,’ Topchian said,” Aravot writes.

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