Minister Mnatsakanyan congratulated Michael Johannes Banzhaf on...
According to him, the agreement envisages a broad range of...
History shows that concessions to tyrants lead to violence, not peace…
5.6 billion out of 6 have already been allocated to Turkey…
“What our people have done is worthy of being presented to the world…
The current head of Abkhazia, Raul Khajimba, according to preliminary data, wins the presidential election, gaining 47.38%…
Operational data on possible casualties and destruction are not yet available…
For tourists in the exclusion zone, 21 routes were approved for travel, including 13 land, five water, and three air….
The Armenian PM congratulated the Tajik president on the Independence Day anniversary…
“More than 130 flights were cancelled and train lines closed for hours, disrupting the morning commute…
“The Emir is a well-respected leader and has been a tremendous partner of the United States…
Futures for Brent crude for November delivery rose 0.83% to $ 62.05 per barrel...
“Oftentimes, what we get in response is, ‘Well, if you knew what we knew, you would agree with us…