June 20
Show news feed

YEREVAN. - The Office of the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office conducted another monitoring on the north-eastern part of the Armenian – Azerbaijani border on Thursday.

From the Armenian side, the field assistants of Personal Representative of OSCE Chairperson-in-Office High-Level Planning Group (HLPG) Hristo Hristov (Bolgaria) and Antal Herdic (Hungary) participated in the monitoring. Before leaving for the monitoring scene, the OSCE representatives were acquainted with the overall situation on the Armenian – Azerbaijani contact line. After that, the representatives of OSCE went to the monitoring place established radio contact with the Azerbaijani side and gave each other security guarantees.

The monitoring was carried out at a certain distance. The Azerbaijani side once again refused to cross the border and carry out the monitoring on the spot. No incidents happened during the monitoring.

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