June 20
Show news feed

YEREVAN. – The only wish of the Armenians living in Mus, Turkey, is to have an Armenian-language teacher.

Non-pro-government Prosperous Armenia Party MP Aragats Akhoyan, who is also vice-chairman of the National Council of Western Armenians, told about the aforementioned to reporters on Tuesday.

Akhoyan recently returned from Mus, where there is an Armenian community again.

“Aside from meetings with the residents of Mus, we also met with the mayors of Van, Diyarbakir (Tigranakert). The last two mayors were just elected, but they were from the same party [i.e., the pro-Kurdish “Peace and Democracy Party” (BDP)]. They promised to be more active than previously.

“As for the Armenian community of Mus, it was created with great difficulty,” the MP said.

In his words, a major conference, which will be devoted to the centennial of the Armenian Genocide, will be convened in eastern Turkey.

“Its [working] language will be Armenian, [and it will be held] in one of the largest cities in Western Armenia [i.e., eastern Turkey]; I can’t say more at this time,” Aragats Akhoyan stated.

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