June 20
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The delegation, which is representing Israel at a ceremony in Armenia’s capital city of Yerevan and commemorating 100 years since the Armenian Genocide, does not mark a change in the Israeli government’s policy to not officially recognize the genocide, reported The Jerusalem Post.

The aforesaid Israeli delegation comprises Knesset (Parliament) members Nachman Shai and Anat Berko.

“I am proud to represent the State of Israel and the Jewish people at this historic event,” Shai said in a conversation with Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan. “We understand, perhaps more than any other people, the pain and suffering of the Armenian people and we share in this terrible tragedy with you.”

Meretz party leader Zehava Gal-On spoke on Friday morning at an Armenian church ceremony, saying the delegation, which was coordinated through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “cannot distract from the fact that the Israeli government continues to be a part of the Armenian genocide denial.

“The Foreign Ministry has instructed the delegation to address the human tragedy of the Armenian genocide and not to refer to it as the murder of a nation,” she said.

Gal-On added: “Especially as the Jewish nation that suffered a Holocaust, that knows the meaning of Holocaust denial and still fights that denial today, it is our primary moral obligation to be sensitive to other nations and not to deny that the phenomenon of genocide has occurred in the past and continues to take place today.”

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