June 20
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Well-known Turkish filmmaker İsmail Güneş has started shooting the motion picture entitled “Caravan 1915” which, however, denies the fact of the Armenian Genocide, and portrays the events in 1915 as just a shared tragedy.

Two cities, which replicate the cities in 1915, already have been created for the filming, reported Sabah daily of Turkey.

Earlier, Güneş had not announced the name of the sponsor of this movie, but had stressed that this film has a large budget. He had noted that about 300 professional actors—some of them, well-known—will act in this motion picture.

The Turkish filmmaker stated that, in the movie, he is not attempting to show whether or not genocide had occurred, but rather he just shows the story of a caravan.

He added, however, that the characters in the film will witness scenes of massacres.

İsmail Güneş informed that “Caravan 1915” is expected to feature in 2016.

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