June 20
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The annual pillow fight at the United States Military Academy, West Point, resulted in the traumas of 30 cadets, New York Times writes.

The traditional pillow fight - which is considered as a harmless way to blow off steam and build class spirit - takes place by the end of a grueling summer of training.

But this year the event turned into a bloody drama after some cadets stuffed the pillows with hard objects that “split lips, broke at least one bone, dislocated shoulders and knocked cadets unconscious,” RIA Novosti reports.  

Referring to the incident at the Academy, Colonel Kasker said that upperclassmen required cadets to wear helmets due to safety concerns.

But the video shows that many of the cadets did not wear helmets. According to the informed received, in a few cases helmets were used as weapons in the fight.

“West Point applauds the cadets’ desire to build esprit and regrets the injuries to our cadets,” Colonel Kasker said.

Several cadets, injured during the pillow fight, look upon their wounds as “a point of pride,” as posted by a freshman on Twitter.



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