June 20
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YEREVAN. - Impunity gives rise to new crimes, and this became more evident to the Russian MPs.

Eduard Sharmazanov, Armenian Parliament Vice-Speaker and Spokesman of the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) told Armenian News –, referring to the draft law on the responsibility of Turkey for not recognizing the Armenian Genocide, which has been introduced in Russia’s State Duma.   

Sharmazanov stressed that Armenia has not once stated about the unacceptability of the denial, including during the entire 2015, which marked the 100th anniversary of the crime. According to him, the legal acts against the denial were adopted by the parliaments of Cyprus and Greece, as well as the European Parliament.

In Sharmazanov’s words, the necessity to condemn the crimes is related not only to the Armenian Genocide, but to any other crime against humanity. The Armenian side has many times stated that Anakara needs the recognition in the first place, since it will reconcile Turkey with its own history. “But they are turning into the accomplice of Taleats and Envers. And the impunity gives rise to new crimes. And now they have given themselves the right to down the jet, which was struggling against the terrorists. Perhaps this very fact revealed the truth more clearly for our Russian colleagues,” Sharmazanov said.

Sharamazanov will tomorrow meet with the Russian State Duma Speaker Sergey Naryshkin.  The situation on Karabakh, Armenian-Turkish relations and struggle against terrorism will be among the other issues to be discussed.

“As the head of the Armenian delegation in the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly, I will pass on the positive opinion of the Armenian side on the bill,” Sharamzanov said. 

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