June 20
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YEREVAN. – Armenia’s Heritage Party Chairman and former FM Raffi Hovannisian will be at Liberty Square in capital city Yerevan on December 1, and he is ready to resort to civil disobedience.

“If a decision is made [on that day] to stay at Liberty Square, I’ll be with these people, [and] stay at the round-the-clock public assemblies,” Hovannisian said at a press conference on Friday. “I’m ready for civil disobedience.”

In his words, the opposition “New Armenia” Public Salvation Front is still developing the strategy for these rallies, which are slated to get underway on December 1.

“I believe we need to set up a temporary government,” Heritage’s leader noted. “[But] I can’t say at this time who will be the representatives of this government.” 

The “New Armenia” Public Salvation Front, which opposes the proposed constitutional changes and one of whose members is the Heritage Party, plans to hold rallies at Liberty Square, starting from December 1. 

As per the members of this front, they will achieve change of power in Armenia through civil disobedience.

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