June 20
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YEREVAN. – Armenia cannot remain neutral in case of a Russian-Turkish confrontation, political scientist and Modus Vivendi Center Director, Ambassador Ara Papyan, stated at a press conference on Monday.

Reflecting on Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan recent working visit to Moscow, Papyan noted that the Kremlin had to show its ally—i.e. Armenia.

“We [i.e. Armenia] had no other choice,” the analyst stressed. “I don’t share the view that we can maintain neutrality in case of a Russian-Turkish confrontation. We have bilateral agreements with Russia on assistance and defense. Therefore, I view this working visit as a means to clarify the next [respective] steps with Russia.”

But in his view, the Armenian side needs to clearly put the question as to what will be the price of supporting Russia.

“We need for Russia to defend Armenia from an attack by the Turks,” Ara Papyan noted.

The political scientist added, however, that he does not see a possibility of an immediate armed conflict between Russia and Turkey because, in his view, Turkey would not come out against a nuclear power.

In November 2015, the Turkish air force shot down a Russian Su-24 attack aircraft/interdictor nearby the Turkish-Syrian border. The warplane was taking part in the antiterrorism operations in Syria. This incident led to the ongoing strain in Turkey-Russia relations.

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