June 20
Show news feed

The Kremlin announced that, after the incident with the Russian warplane, Ankara has made no move toward the normalization of relations with Russia, according to TASS news agency of the country.

“This has not yet been, hints in this direction have not yet been done, in the connection of which solely condolences can be expressed,” Russian presidential spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

He noted that Ankara has made no indirect suggestion about accepting the fault for Turkey’s downing this aircraft.

“After what happened, it is absolutely clear what the Russian side was expecting from Ankara,” Peskov added.

In November 2015, the Turkish air force shot down a Russian Su-24 attack aircraft/interdictor nearby the Turkish-Syrian border. The warplane was taking part in the antiterrorism operations in Syria. This incident led to the ongoing strain in Russia-Turkey relations.

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