June 20
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Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau issued a statement on the occasion of the unveiling of the Armenian Genocide memorial n St. Catharines, Canada.

A monument was unveiled on April 30, Horizonweekly reported.

In his statement Mr. Trudeau said the monument commemorates the tragic loss of life of the Armenian population during the waning days of the Ottoman Empire in 1915.

“Both the Senate of Canada and the House of Commons have adopted resolutions referring to these events as a genocide.

This monument will help preserve the memory of those who lost their lives, and those who suffered during this genocide and pay our deepest respects to their descendants, including those who now call Canada home.

Canadians of all backgrounds and faiths stand together in reaffirming our collective commitment to the values of pluralism, human rights, and diversity.

As we dedicate this monument, please join me in my hope for a peaceful future based on tolerance, respect, and reconciliation,” the statement reads.

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