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Upon the initiative of the Ukrainian Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church and with the support of the Khmelnitsk regional union of Armenian National Culture “Ararat”, a pilgrimage took place to Kamenets-Podolskiy city.  Two years ago the consecration of a chapel in St. Stephen (Stetpanos) bell tower of Armenian St. Nikolay (Nikoghayos) cathedral took place here. 

Head of the Khmelnitsk Armenian community Suren Avagyan told that the representatives of the Armenian Diaspora and many regions of Ukraine took part in the events.  

This year Ukraine marks the 225th anniversary of the declaration of the Day of Armenian Blessed Virgin Icon.  

On June 27, 1791, the icon and the reconstructed church of St. Nikolay were solemnly consecrates for the second time. Archbishop Yakov Tumanovoch then instructed to declare this day – June 27 – as a holiday.  

In the framework of the events commemorating the 225th anniversary of the Day of Armenian Blessed Virgin Icon, special exhibition dedicated to the holiday was held at Bogdan and Varvara Khanenko National Museum of Art on June 27.

The organizers were the Bogdan and Varvara Khanenko National Museum of Art and the Union of Armenians of Ukraine.

Events were also held in Kirovohrad and Kherson. 

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