June 20
Show news feed

CNN presented a video recording of conversations that might belong to the Munich shooter.

Videos are recorded on two different camera phones. Conversation between two men is heard in the video: one was on the top level of parking garage and man was on a balcony. The record ended with the gunfire. The man who appears to be a shooter said insulting things about Turks, did not espouse jihadist ideology and spoke with a German accent.

At the same time, another witness said that the shooter said "Allahu Akbar," or "God is great" in Arabic. The woman said that she was Muslim and therefore understood what he was saying.

Another eyewitness Huseyin Bayri stated that he heard how the shooter was shouting that he would kill foreigners.

 "At first I have heard shout: "You devil's …. foreigners. I am German. You receive", he declared.

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