June 25
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YEREVAN. – It is too early to give a legal assessment whether the medics are hostages at a police regiment in Yerevan, Armenia’s Attorney General Gevorg Kosanyan said in an interview with Shant television.

“If they are kept without their will, if the right for free movement is limited by violence or a threat, they are hostages,” Kostanyan said.

Speaking about the seizures of police regiment and the actions of “Sasna Tsrer” group, Kostanyan preferred not to give legal assessments. He recalled that criminal proceeding were instituted on charges of seizure of buildings and illegal possession of arms. Asked about the right for uprising, Kostanyan said there is no such notion either in international, or national legislation.

According to him, the traditional meaning of the uprising is characterized as actions aimed at changing government or cancellation of any decision of the authorities, but not an armed attack. Discontent can be expressed by means of demonstrations, protests, or freedom of speech, he added..

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