June 20
Show news feed

YEREVAN. - The crowd gathered in Yerevan’s Liberty Square didn’t want to disperse upon hearing the news on the surrender of the Sasna Tsrer armed group.

The situation in the square is tense; people are arguing with each other, Armenian News - correspondent reports.

The leader of the rally Tigran Khzmalyan announced: “We record our first interim victory and are moving to political processes.” After his speech, Khzmalyan switched off the microphone, announcing that they will gather tomorrow at 7:30 pm.

Several people wanted to deliver a speech, to which Khzmalyan announced: “We will not allow chekists close.”

Certain people among the crowd expressed dissatisfaction with Khzmalyan. Others got up on the stage, but were not able to make speech. Heated debates and discussions are continuing. 

Another large group has launched a spontaneous march along Yerevan streets in support of Sansa Tsrer.


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